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Application Developer View: PostgreSQL vs. MySQL

I reluctantly started to write this post some 6 months ago. As a application developer my knowledge of the internals of DBMS design was (and still is) very limited. It is one thing to work with a DBMS at development and quite another to keep it running as part of IT Operations. My motivation here is to share a few specific ideas with fellow application developers. The attempt is to do a value judgement of the two systems from a development standpoint and steer clear from a value judgement in the deployed scenario. After all DBMS systems are probably at the heart of more Aps vs. Ops debates than anything else.

Now, to say it simply (at the cost of barbs from some of my good friends who I know to be excellent operations engineers for MySQL) - PostgreSQL leads MySQL. And by some distance.

Apart from reading about the internals and playing with both systems I felt a need speak to whomever I could in the developer community to ask for the reasons behind the choice of DBMS in their projects. In the last 6 months I could speak to just about eight such people in different projects. Almost all from medium to small companies doing web applications (but some of these projects were themselves quite large). After speaking to these people there is one thing that I cannot but share - the answer to Why MySQL from all who had chosen it was - “Unfortunately, MySQL had already been chosen by the time I got involved”. Of the eight, six had been running projects for 2-3 years of which three had chosen MySQL. Rest had all opted for PostgreSQL.

When I told a colleague of writing this article he smiled and asked a polite, Why? After all, the web is filled with such articles. Mostly written by expert database admins. There are fewer articles from the application programmer point-of-view. I can think of two reasons why there are not many programmers dissecting this -

  1. Developers find it difficult to talk on this topic in which the Operations folk have strong opinions. In many projects of the DevOps kind the decision to pick the database is the prerogative of the Operations folk than the Developer folk
  2. From a developer perspective, the PostgreSQL vs. MySQL debate is a non-starter. PostgreSQL wins. And wins quite early (you will know the why by the end of this post)

But before delving deeper into the comparison its good to set the application context -

  1. Enterprise Applications. By this, I mean the application has more moving parts than a typical web-stack. The number of tables could stretch into hundreds. Data is collected from myriad sources in real-time
  2. Read-write ratio varies vastly across tables. Database needs to support 90% (and upwards) read-only tables and also tables with much higher write than read, say 60% (and upwards)
  3. Many thousand transactions per second
  4. Hundreds of stored procedures
  5. Automating migrations, upgrades and sharding

Given that the topic is vast and both softwares are widely used its probably a good idea to start by pointing to some of the good references for comparison from the wild web -

  1. MySQL vs. PostgreSQL - recent and continuously updated. Readers would do well to read the articles in the links section (on last read, I did not find a single article talking glowingly about MySQL in comparison to PostgreSQL)
  2. Couple of very good articles comparing these two by Robert Haas
  3. PostgreSQL vs MySQL: Which is better? - This article is 10 years old. Still a good read
  4. MySQL Gotchas and PostgreSQL Gotchas. Just stare at the size of these two lists for some time even if you don’t read them. They tell a story
  5. Comparing Reliability and Speed
  6. A Comparison of Enterprise Suitability - PostgreSQL is Suited Better - though MyISAM focused, this comparison is with enterprise products in purview and is 5 years old (2008). Since then, the gap between PostgreSQL and MySQL have only widened in favour of PostgreSQL despite InnoDB

I plan and hope not to repeat anything that is already said in these articles. And agreeing with the many writers of these articles, I don’t see any point doing performance benchmark comparisons between these two database systems. But I do want to point the interested readers to the political aspects in this comparison (I have quoted from this interview at the end of this article). MySQL has been acquired by Oracle. Its only natural to have concerns about the future roadmap of MySQL given these concerns which affect technology deeply…

Moving on to the specifics…

The ‘Null’ Problem

The biggest accusation one can make against any RDBMS is that it is not careful with data integrity. MySQL is notorious for its inability to handle Null with many data types. Effort to accommodate query mistakes ruins MySQL. For example -

These problems are by no means all that is there to be said about MySQL’s SQL compliance. MySQL takes liberties to not abide by user supplied constraints in many more situations. And this aspects creates massive problems for developers on both correctness and performance fronts.

Object Relational Database System!

PostgreSQL calls itself Object Relational Database System. This is so because it brings with itself many new ideas that lend very well with the OOPS modelled world (that developers are so used to). And this paradigm fits the enterprise data models and requirements quite well. Let me state three specific features -

Each of these features can be quite critical with the ever increasing data that needs to be handled in today’s world. It takes some reading to understand each one but it is well worth the effort. On the other side I fail to find any feature that MySQL brings that may be absent from PostgreSQL (think about it - thats a very big assertion I make!).

To illustrate the point further let me describe one of my favourite features - table inheritance with an example. The below statements create tables where the column name belongs to the base table (shape) and columns like edge, radius belong to the derived tables. This model closely resembles how data is modelled in OOPS. Running the above SQL statements, will result in following status in different tables -

SQL Statements -

CREATE TABLE shape ( name varchar(50) );

CREATE TABLE square    (edge int)     INHERITS (shape);
CREATE TABLE circle    (radius int)   INHERITS (shape);
CREATE TABLE rectangle (w int, h int) INHERITS (shape);

INSERT into shape     (name)         VALUES ('random')
INSERT into square    (name, edge)   VALUES ('square', 10);
INSERT into circle    (name, radius) VALUES ('circle', 10);
INSERT into rectangle (name, w, h)   VALUES ('rectangle', 5, 10);

Like ‘INHERITS’ there also is a ‘NO INHERITS’ to mixin different tables with precision. And more importantly, Postgres uses partitioning under the covers to enable inheritance. So, not only does inheritance give the programmer flexibility in data modelling lending but it also leads to lesser duplication, and thus helps improve performance! Without inheritance, the engineers will be forced to do multiple table joins and filters (many times going up to boolean value marker columns) - which sounds over-engineering for a OOP developer standpoint. Thinking about it, the non-object oriented SQL design adds to overhead to SQL optimiser, makes indexing overhead higher and many more such misses.

Choice Of Data Types and Storage

MySQL has far fewer data types than PostgreSQL. Adding new data types to MySQL is a non-trivial error-prone work even for experience professionals. Compared to this, PostgreSQL offers a proverbial goldmine of data-types for designers to choose from. Here are some aspects about data-types that really makes PostgreSQL standout vis-a-vis MySQL -

Why are data-types important? Modelling precisely leads to less data stored. When performance becomes important to squeeze out the max performance requires optimised storage… because finally, things in DB schema are going to end up in RAM caches and larger datatypes will mean more space being taken up on the RAM. Less conservatively used RAM cache will bring down the performance of the application more than anything else.


Comparing performance of PostgreSQL and MySQL (InnoDB) is a loaded question. The references I have spelt out earlier have links to many scholarly articles that articulate the subtle differences in the MVCC implementation of both. Both provide row locking, page locking, along with read/write lock separation. After digging into the details picking one of these two on the basis of performance comes back to the nature of the application that is being built. Designers should pay attention to three critical questions and answer them sufficiently before making a choice -

These are not easy questions to answer. The performance area is complex enough and if concurrent writes requirements of an application are extreme then moving away totally from SQL to NoSQL is a better option than trying to split hairs over RDBMS engines. A move to NoSQL brings massive freedom to design around write and concurrent access problems (along with massive responsibility to handle things correctly!). So, choosing MySQL over PostgreSQL due to some notions of higher performance without concrete answers to the above posers, in all probability, will lead to a disaster-in-waiting.

Philosophical difference that influences technology

Some experts have pointed out a subtle but important philosophical difference between MySQL and PostgreSQL that impacts their core technological offering. MySQL is a product while PostgreSQL is a project. MySQL has been a product since its inception and sold multiple times over by different companies that have owned it. Due to the product definition and ownership, large scale code corrections have been fewer with MySQL. This philosophical difference is what is behind the fact that MySQL is still in v5.x while PostgreSQL in v9.x. This difference also leads to a design where MySQL separates the storage engine and SQL parsing as different (and many different storage engines can be chosen). While PostgreSQL integrates the whole stack top-to-bottom. The folks behind PostgreSQL are driven to bring the progress in database technology to the fingertips of developers and admins. Thats why PostgreSQL has made larger course corrections in its evolutions (lending to a bigger version number v9).


I have a hypothesis. MySQL is more popular in applications developed using Ruby, PHP, Perl or Python. Just like Microsoft’s SQL-Server is the default database if you are a C# application. This is so because of the community and peer group effect. And also because there are many tools and expertise within the ecosystem if you choose a popular stack. But the most popular language to develop enterprise applications is Java. And I personally get more fond of Scala by every passing day. So the hypothesis is, for JVM developers MySQL does not lend well just because of the community/peer-group effect. So the choice needs to be based more on technological pro’s and con’s.

Quoting from the references

There is no reason at all to use MySQL: MariaDB, MySQL founder Michael Widenius

What Oracle is doing wrong (visit the website to find the reference for each point)

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