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My Scala Projects In The Making

Over the last year I often heard my friends say the era of MOOC was truly upon us. It was only on taking up couple of Coursera courses did I realise it fully. They have been eye-opening many times over (and extremely rigorous). Would particularly recommend these two to anyone wanting to understand programming for the multicore, realtime, big-data world -

I have been trudging on and off with Scala for the latter half of 2013. Written many small programs to understand the core concepts. But doing these two courses have put me on very firm footing. The courses had me working on 12 solid assignments. And not a single one of these took me less than couple of days. The assignments cover a lot of ground which includes -

Inspired by these assignments, I have been working on few of my own ideas. Specifically, three projects (all of which are still in their infancy). However as I head out with family for a vacation to usher in the new year, I thought of writing this as a post-it on my web-wall. One of the new year resolutions is to invest more time and energy into these projects.




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